I could only come up with 5 TAGS episodes that mention cameras or
photos. The first is episode #41," Crime Free Mayberry". In this episode
about a phony FBI man presenting Andy and Barney an award for a very low
crime rate in Mayberry. In the episode, the phony newsman takes a picture
of Andy and the phony FBI man. The second episode is #85, "The Great
Filling Station Robbery". In this episode, Barney sets up a camera in the
filling station to take a picture of who is breaking in. He actually takes
a photo of himself.
The third episode id #168, "The Hollywood Party. In this episode, Helen
becomes jealous when Andy is in Hollywood for filming "Sheriff Without a
Gun" and she sees publicity photos of Andy and Darlene Mason (Ruta Lee), of
the two in Mason's dressing room. The fourth episode is #203, "Only A
Rose". In this episode Clare says Aunt Bee should win the rose contest
after seeing a photo of Bee's rose that was takes at the Taylor house
before Opie hit the rose with a football. The last episode is #227, "A Trip
To Mexico". In this episode, Aunt Bee and her friends Clara and Myrtle take
a trip to Mexico and when they get home, because of some disputes on the
trip, they aren't speaking to each other. Andy gets the three of them
together to look at photos of the trip and they all realize that they had a
really nice trip.

       There were also six other episodes where there was filming, or
mention of filming with movie cameras. They were episode 13, "Mayberry Goes
Hollywood", episode #150, "TV Or Not TV", Episode #167, "The Taylors In
Hollywood, episode #187, "The Foster Lady", episode #216, "Howard The
Comedian", and episode #237, "The Mayberry Chef".

       There may be others, but these are the ones I came up with. Good
luck to others trying to find more.

Sheriff Poindexter
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