Hey Mayberry!

Mayberry Days is FAST approaching and I hope as many of you as can
will attend.  We always have a great time visiting with fellow
Mayberry folk and attending the many events throughout the weekend.
You can get a schedule of the events by visiting
http://MayberryDays.com and clicking the schedule link.

== THE WBMUTBB Annual Photo/meet-up  ==
Members of the WBMUTBB chapter will meet to the east side of the
Blackmon Amphitheatre stage (looking at the stage, it would be to the
left) following the "World Championship of TAGS Trivia."   The trivia
begins at 4:30pm so we'll be able to meet somewhere around 5:15 or

It's just a short meeting so everyone can introduce themselves to one
another and put a face with the e-mail address.  We'll also get a
group photo.

The main thing is to visit with one another and have a GREAT time.

For those that can't attend, "we shall meet...but we shall miss you."
And, all the WBMUTBB members who do make it to Mayberry Days....PLEASE
post a trip report for all those who aren't able. Share the Mayberry
love with all the rest of us.

Oh, if you see some guy dressed like "Floyd the barber," be sure to
tell him "hey."

See you in Mayberry!!

--Allan Newsome

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