>>>Does anyone know if any of the props used on TAGS (dishes, clothes, artwork, 
>>>tableclothes...absolutely anything) is available for sale and if so, where?

There really isn’t any way to get authentic screen-used props, unless by some 
very slim chance you can manage to contact one of the few remaining living crew 
or cast members who may have saved something.  

Props supposedly used on The Andy Griffith Show are always being offered on 
eBay, but they are almost certainly fake. Anybody can take any old worthless 
dish or pistol (or whatever) and print up a fake certificate to “prove” it is 
genuine, but do not be fooled. “Certificates of authenticity” are absolutely 
worthless. Anybody who would lie about where some item came from will not 
hesitate to print a phony piece of paper to go with it. 

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

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