>>>Do you think Ramona Wiley from "Class Reunion" is kin to Mrs. Wiley in "My
Fair Ernest T. Bass"?   And would sweet "Romeena" be kin to Ramona??<<<

I guess it's possible that Ramona Wiley and Mrs. Wiley were related (in the 
Mayberry universe), but we do know that the show often reused certain surnames. 
 Beasley, for example.  These were often names of people that Andy knew growing 
up or names of relatives of his.  He had them used in the scripts.  "Sweet 
Romeena" was actually named Ramona Ankrum in the story and was apparently not 
related to Mrs. Wiley.

By the way, with the talk of Mayberry quilts, back in 2014, which was the first 
year my husband and I attended Mayberry Days, there was a quilt made, and I 
think it was part of the silent auction (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).  
Pat Coleman made it, and it was specially to commemorate the 25th Mayberry 
Days.  She pieced together T-shirts from each of the first 25 Mayberry Days.  
Talk about a collector's item!  It was something to see.

Thelma Lou

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