A few days back,hurricane Florence took it's toll on my hometown of 
Laurinburg,NC.A seventeen year

old student named Jadon was seriously injured.A huge limb fell on him.He had 
severe bleeding on the

brain.Our local hospital transferred him to a specialty hospital.For the last 
three days,he has been in a

coma.A few minutes ago,I was watching a tv station report about him.Before he 
went into the coma,a

player from The Carolina Panthers went to spend some time with him and 
presented to Jadon an

autographed helmet.Back to today.The tv cameras were rolling as his mother 
tried to awaken him to no

avail.His brother told his mother to play the Andy Griffith Show whistling 
music.Within a few seconds,

Jadon awoke.I do not know how to put this into perspective.Either the good Lord 
saw fit to awaken him,

or the whistling stirred something in him.I will not be the judge of this 
miracle...just posting.Those that

are faith based,please keep Jadon in your prayers.Also continue to pray for 
Keith Brown.

Dewey in NC
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