I have known my father for 65 years, and praise the Lord, he is still alive. 
   For all of those 65 years he has been a church going, God fearing man.     
In all that time I have never heard him tell a single lie.     Not a fib, not a 
white lie, nothing.    When he said "When I get home tonight you are getting a 
whipping", I immediately began to stuff magazines in my underwear.
All of this was brought to mind this afternoon when I was watching the TAGS 
episode "The Clubmen", where Andy and Barney visit the Esquire Club.    After 
they get back to Mayberry, Aunt Bee is on the phone with Mrs. Sims when she 
tells her "I have to go because I have some cherry popovers in the oven".    
Fact is, Aunt Bee has no popovers of any kind in the oven, and this is a lie.
This got me to thinking, how many other times can we think of where a main 
character on TAGS has told an out-and-out big lie?

Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man


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