The good news is I am getting the Digest again.  The bad news is I am
getting indigestion again.  But maybe reading the Digest will help cure my
indigestion.  I think it is from too many weenies, brats, and hamburgers at
all the car shows and parades.

Would you believe I was a parade on the 4th and when a man saw me I heard
him tell his young son that I was Barney Rubble?  Guess I still have some
educating to do.

But we are having so much fun again going to the many events.  I have a
total of 6 presentations to do this summer too, so we are very busy.  I
continue to write my monthly Nostalgia Column and it now appears in 5
different publications each month.

Hope all are having a wonderful Mayberry summer.
Well of all the nerve! I think I have heard it all now!Ken, I feel like going 
down there and punching him in the nose.
Asa Breeney, MBG
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