Thank you to Allan and Jan Newsome and all the others whose names I wish I knew 
to include here, for a wonderful time at the Mayberry Meetup in Mt. Airy a few 
weeks ago. From arranging meals for us to the Sunday Worship service (which 
cleverly correlated scripture with a TAGS episode focused on Otis), I know more 
hours went into preparing for this event than I can imagine.
Thank you to the tribute artists. It was easy to tell which characters they 
were and it was so much fun to see them. Very impressive.
Thank you to Dewey Lamb for all the  creative door prizes he made. He always 
puts a lot of thought, time, (and I suspect, money), into making TAGS treasures.
And thank you to all of you who I got to speak with, hang out with, and get to 
know a bit.  Mayberry fans are the best.


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