First, to Randy in Indiana - that was a great story about the woman in the
state Attorney General's office, and her quoting Ernest T. to you!

Now for a recent Alumni Sighting: I just watched (for the first time in
awhile) a classic "Twilight Zone" episode called "The Hunt", and it dawned
on me that the main character was none other than Arthur Hunnicutt, who
played Jedediah Wakefield in the TAGS episode "A Feud Is A Feud".  He was
on TAGS about 2 years before the "Twilight Zone" episode, but he played the
exact same character: same clothes, same beard, same accent,  etc.  If I
saw photos of him from both shows, I don't think I could tell them apart.
He was another example of great casting by the crew of TAGS.

Joe Suszczynski
Grand Island, NY
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