With the Digest laying low over the summer, I failed to send out a reminder 
about the WBMUTBB Silent Auction during Mayberry Days. This coming Saturday 
will be our 20th one! We'll be set up in front of the Playhouse (under some 
shade tents!)

Most people are aware of what it is all about, so I won't go into the details 
beyond a brief reminder to email me directly if you want more info or have 
something to donate.  Many thanks to everyone who has already done so.

It is most helpful to know what is coming in advance so I can make a bid sheet 
before Saturday morning. Please let me know if you have a donation, can help me 
organize things beforehand, or can help during the auction on Saturday after 
the parade from 10a to Noon.

At the least, stop by and see all the great things we have this year, 
especially Dewey Lamb's new plaques and framed items. Photos of some of the 
things are at:



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