I have Flash installed but once again I simply couldn't bring myself to
bother to wait long enough for the show to load. I'm simply not
intereseted in corporate light shows. Um, except for the little sock
show. I still find that rather endearing. Usually I'm on a site to
gather information and am not in the mood to put up with a silly show.
This is especially true of a corporate site because I'm invariably
looking for product info and want to get to it as quickly as possible. I
always appreciate a link to bypass the Flash intro and usually end up
leaving if one isn't there. If there's something on the site that I
simply *must* have (like a rebate form) I'll go and read my e-mail until
the festivities are over. Sometimes I remember to go back, sometimes

I do love the little sock show, Cheryl, and consider it one of the only
Flash sites I really like:
Sherry from NH

"Cheryl D. Wise" wrote:
> What a mess. Since I do have flash installed I was trying to determine from
> the code what the visitor would see if they didn't have flash installed.
> Frameset upon nested frameset and not a single <noframes> tag that I could
> find.
> I'm actually glad you posted this site because I'm having to fill in for
> another teacher the end of the week in the multimedia class. Topic
> appropriate and in appropriate uses of multimedia primarily flash on
> websites.
> This will make a great example of a very inappropriate use. Got any more or
> any great uses of flash, shockwave or other multimedia?

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