I've written a simple script that allows for easy implementation of a roll
over. I know, I know, roll-overs are not *THAT* complicated to do but with a
large site it may help to use one simple script for all of that. The
interesting part is that you use the same function call for both OnMouseOver
and OnMouseOut

function GetImageContainingFolder(ImageSource)
        var splitImgSrc = ImageSource.split("/");
        //remove image name from array; last element
        splitImgSrc[splitImgSrc.length-1] = "";
        return splitImgSrc.join("/");

function GetImageName(ImageSource)
        var imgSrcSplit = ImageSource.split("/");
        var imgName = imgSrcSplit[imgSrcSplit.length-1];
        return imgName.substr(0, imgName.length - 8);//remove 4 chars for _IMG or
_OVR and 4 for .gif/.jpg/.png

function SwapImages(ImageName)
        var img = document.images[ImageName];
        var imgSrc = img.src;
        var newSrc = GetImageContainingDir(imgSrc) + GetImageName(imgSrc);
        img.src = (imgSrc.indexOf("_ov") > 0) ? newSrc + "_img.gif": newSrc +

Just call the SwapImages function and pass the name of the image you want to
roll over. The only thing though is that all images should be named as
ImageName_IMG.ext       -> Normal state
ImageName_OVR.ext -> Mouse Over State

Hope that helps


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Groen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:41 AM
Subject: [wdvltalk] Re: Image swapping on loaded page

On March 19, 2003 at 6:52, Dave Sebaste wrote:

> There isn't a way to change an image on a page being displayed in a
> browser without reloading the whole page, is there? Talking about
> using HTML, DHTML, scripting, etc.

You could use something like this to create a banner that rolls over four

     var banners = new
     var bnrCntr = 0
     function bancycle() {
             bnrCntr = bnrCntr + 1
             if (bnrCntr == 4) {
                bnrCntr = 0
          document.Banner.src = banners[bnrCntr]
<BODY onload="setTimeout('bancycle()',3000)">
<IMG SRC="banner1.jpg" Name="Banner" width="320" height="65">


        Mark Groen

MG Web Services
Web Site Hosting and Development

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