Tis I again

Not having much luck at the moment with work so I'm
stuck once more (different project though).

I'm trying to retrieve only the first 5 most recent
articles in a database (Access database and ASP
running from IIS 5.0). Everything works fine but I'm
not making any headway in retrieving only 5 records
from my query.

I've tried the setting the ADO Recordset property
"MaxRecords" to 5 before running my SQL query but,
although it throws up no errors, still retrieves

[objRS.MaxRecords = 5]

I'm not overly familiar with SQL but I've been told
about LIMIT but that's causing an SQL syntax error in
my ASP debugger - I'm not sure where it should go in
the query string but following examples it still
doesn't work.

["SELECT id, title FROM tblDocuments WHERE cat=2 LIMIT
5 ORDER BY datecreated DESC"]

Any suggestions?

Thanks again you guys...

(who should take a week off and attend to other issues
before his work suffers again)

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