On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 22:33, Erik Carlson wrote:
> Thanks Matthew;

No problems! :D

> Go my Linux and Apache web server up and running with virtual servers. Have
> the new Sun Solaris Version 9 for Intel processors with Media kit. 

You brave man! Solaris?!

> I'm
> building another computer to put another web server on it. 

If it's going to be another *nix Box, may I recommened Gentoo Linux?
(http://www.gentoo.org).  I recommend using the Gentoo Reference
Platform to install, as it speeds up the time taken (a couple of hours
instead of a couple of days!), and it means that you learn loads ( you
have to boot strap the system and partition the disks yourself!) and you
have system that only runs the very basics.

You then connect to the internet, pref using *DSL or ISDN, and simply
"emerge"[1] the programs you want installed.

It works very well, my current uptime is 11 days, it would be more, but
I switched to Kernel 2.6.0-test8 about a fortnight ago.

The install guide is brilliant, there are loads of support forums (I'd
recommend checking them out even if you're not running gentoo:
http://forums.gentoo.org/) and it will run on pretty much any box.  I've
got it running on my old laptop, a PII 400MHz with 64Mb Ram!

If there's anything you want a hand with, just gimme a shout.


|Matthew Macdonald-Wallace         |
|The Truth Will Set you Free       |
|http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/ |
BOFH Excuse #109: The electricity substation in the car park blew up.

[1] emerge is Gentoo's package management system. No more worrying if the 
dependancies are installed or not, emerge works it out from the install file and
fetches and installs all the correct versions!

A quick example: 

"emerge mod_php" would install:

apache (1 or 2)
and a few others if needed.

I think its brilliant! :D


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