
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 17:16, rudy wrote:
> >> how far along in implementation did you get before noticing 
> >> how deficient internet explorer's css capabilities are?
> > 
> > div{border: 1px solid black;}
> > 
> > ;)
> i see the smiley but i'm not sure what it means

It's a wink.

> that code does work in IE
> so i'm guessing you got a lot further along and don't want to admit it?

I got further along, I just hate having to design non-standard sites
just because the majority of the web uses a non-standards-compliant

> my condolences

> always always always test in IE -- it's gotta be at least 80% of 
> EVERYONE's target audience
> for css, though, i develop in Firebird with that gorgeous EditCSS plugin
> but i always test in IE too

I'm seriously considering throwing out the concept of being
backwards-compatible, I think there is the opportunity for all web
developers to help drag the world into using software that is at the
cutting edge.

|Matthew Macdonald-Wallace         |
|The Truth Will Set you Free       |
| |
It could be one of these chemicals here that makes him so smart.  Lisa,
maybe you should try some of this.

                -- Homer Simpson
                   Bart the Genius

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