In response to Amanda and a pre-emptive apology to Matt:

We've all got our own tastes and I'm not saying the absense of fancy
graphics or intricate design makes the site in anyway a lesser piece of
development, so sorry if I gave that impression.

Having looked at it hard now (in case I missed a serious revision or I'm
just wrong) I guess what I'm thinking is that the layout looks a tad
haphazrd - the lack of horizontal alignment with the tops of the navigation,
body text and testimonals feels wrong. Similarly the visual balance with the
flanking boxes is off - having more text in the testimonals than the
navigation draws my eye too much to the right so I miss the navigation.

IMO even some kind of highlighting and seperation of the flanking columns
would help here (border? background colour?), as would differenciation the
navigation text from the body text - there is no visual indication that the
leftmost text are clickable links. And, as pointed out by others previously,
I think a basic list alone is not good content for a home page - contained
in an introductory paragraph could be a better bet.

But of course we are all bound by our clients' if they're happy
or that's what they requested then who am I to argue? Well, I would but
ultimately bow to their views ;)


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