Why this:
Notice: Undefined variable: email_error in c:\easyphp1-7\www\join.php on line 65

if the following two queries define the variable?:

                 $errors .= "Missing Email address\n";
                $email_error = true ;
                 $errors .= "Missing Email address".
                $email_error = true ; 

                //If both emails were posted, validate they match.
(line65)        if( $email_error == false){             
                     if($_POST['email_address'] !=
                     $error = true;
                $errors .= "Email addresses do not match!\n\n";
                        $email_error = true;


why this:
Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in 
c:\easyphp1-7\www\join.php on line 102

from this:

         //Verify if username already exists
        $_ucount = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT_COUNT(*)
                    AS ucount FROM book_mydb.members
                 WHERE members.username =
 (line 102)              '{$_POST['username']}' "),0);

Joseph   (I'm not *that* far advanced, these are from a tutorial;  but after aplying 
what little knowledge I've gained I'm getting the same errors.   And the servers *are* 
turned on!)

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