
I don't get any errors when the form is changed, but my subtotals box
doesn't get updated. There's is also something I've noticed too which you're
probably gonna hate me for, although the JS ubergurus will have to
double-check me on this...

You've declared your markup as HTML 3.2 and put in some sniffing to check
for Netscape 4.x and give that browser its own style sheet (you have a
script which checks for the "layers" attribute, which is a hallmark of
Netscape 4.x, and document.write a CSS file accordingly). Nothing wrong with
that per se, but the JS used to process your totals uses getElementById()
quite extensively, which unfortunately is a DOM function not available to
Netscape 4.x (can I have a double-check on that please!), which means the
auto-totalling isn't going to work in that browser, even though you've taken
steps to explicitly support it.

I have two suggestions then:

1: rewrite the auto-totalling script using the old-fashioned way of
document.form["myForm"].element["myFormElement"].value to access form

2: have the totalling done as part of the server-side processing and display
a page with all the figures after the form is submitted. The user can see
all required moneys at that point and have the choice of proceeding or not
with the transaction (a more typical way of doing things in my experience).
That way you don't have to worry about browser inconsistences or old/new

If you want to take option 1, I'll see if I can knock out a script for you
(and document it so you can see what it does) if you can't find a script


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