
<pre> is still there so use it to get your text to render as you want to, with all the line breaks and spaces you want, and then style your <pre> to make it look pretty.

CSS is for styling, not markup, so don't try to find CSS versions of HTML tags because they are two different beasts. A lot of what was used in the dim grim late 90's with HTML is now done with CSS, but that's not because CSS has adopted elements of HTML, but rather HTML was fudged and fiddled to do something it wasn't originally designed to do.

But what you are saying is correct: build you *structure* around <div>, <p> and <h>, throw in the occassional <span>, <pre> and your lists when you need them (if you want to be a real semantics nut then every time you want display something that is a list, then use a list - sounds obvious I know but I've seen too many sites use <br /> between a set of anchors inside a paragraph for navigation).

Then make everything look pretty using your CSS.


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