good news your sound is back and congrats to you for checking out that "default" problem.


PBC Web Design wrote:

At 10:07 PM 4/19/2005, you wrote:
I do believe my sound issue is resolved. For some reason the default windows sounds were not playing or playing very softly (as in pretty much inaudible). Yet another trip to the control panel/sounds and audio devices/sounds tab indicated that there was no default windows sound theme in place. Why not I have no idea, you'd think that would be in place when one reformatted and reinstalled windows even if somehow it had been kicked out of working mode in some other fashion. I reset it to the windows default and voila ... sound! I still don't think the default sounds are as loud as they used to be but at least I an hear them now!

Thanks for all input! Nice to have a spare brain or few working on a problem w/me!


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