Thanks for the reply Scott. I did put alerts in to help me and they seemed to work fine. (The code is in the html page I sent earlier.)
I will look at it again and see if I can spot the problem.


Scott Glasgow wrote:

For coding questions, it's all but impossible to troubleshoot without seeing the applicable code. However, a start might be to add an alert to your "little javascript" to ensure that it is being called both times (when the order unit is initially changed and again when it is changed back). I would also alert the current value of the price variable and of the order unit variable to see what is happening to them in each case. It may be that you have inadvertently declared a variable within your function without the var keyword and made it global the first time the function is called (or, OTOH, redeclared a global variable at local scope, changing its value without intending to). Scoping issues such as this can cause unexpected results if that variable is used elsewhere. That's a beginning, but without seeing your script I can advise no further.

Small tip: When alerting variables, include a descriptive string so you know what you're looking at, like this:

alert('The current value of the order unit variable is ' + orderUnit);


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