On 12/5/06, Portman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Drew,

Thanks for the reply.

The web guy gave me the address of the server itself that bypasses the
"website" but I will try with the IP address. I am assuming that the URL
would be the same (for the script) except the IP address instead of the
"friendly" address?

Don't know what you mean about 'bypassing' the website.

The script is most likely located in the cgi-bin for an apache server
or some other directory on an iis server. That is, it should be on the
same server as the web page in which it is embedded. So yes, using would be the same as
http://www.example.org/scriptpage.html, for example. Normally, the IP
is part of the original documentation provided by the isp. If your isp
uses host headers, that should be dealt with in the same


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