On Tue, 2007-01-09 at 12:47 -0500, Portman wrote:
> Hi all,
> My client has different menus on their website. One of the menus is for 
> a meal you can order ahead of time to be delivered to you at a 
> function/dinner/meeting where you cannot eat their food for whatever 
> reason. What I need is a nice way of saying that. The other menus are 
> called Restaurant/Dinner Menu, Catering Menu, Gourmet Dessert Menu - you 
> get the idea. Any ideas would be welcome.

Something along the lines of "Fresh Delivery", "Special Delivery", "Fast
and Fresh"?

This reminds me of an Italian Catering company I used to see driving
around in Cheltenham.  Their name? "Hey Pesto!"


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