On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Tris wrote:
> I've got a form.. (a form!) that s giving me grief..
> I want the form to self submit when I change a SE:ECT option.
> all good, javascript etc... Buuuut...
> top of my form:
> <form id="bookingForm" name="bookingForm" method="post"
> action="<?=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']?>">
> and further down..
> <select name="departure" id="departure"
> onChange="document.forms['bookingForm'].submit(); return true;">
> i've tried using this:
> this.form.submit();

try onchange="document.bookingForm.submit()"

Alternatively, parent.submit() *might* work, dunno though.

Don't know why this.form.submit() didn't work, I think it should.

You should be able to remove the return true off the end of the onchange,
I don't think it's needed.


Dave P

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