On 9/17/07, PBC Web Design <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 04:07 AM 9/17/2007, you wrote:
> >Truth be told, short of editing HD video footage or doing some crazy
> >3D rendering I don't think you need to increase your RAM from 2GB.
> >Might be better to put the money into something else, like a new
> >processor if your current system architecture will allow and upgrade.
> Hi Ross,
> Thanks so much for the explanation. The reason
> I'm considering increasing my ram is because when
> I am using the Media Center watching tv I keep
> getting "Low Memory" warnings so I have to shut
> stuff down and restart.  That's why I thought
> more ram would help.  I guess not, heh?
Since Media Center is a hardware and software package, your PC should
have the wherewithal to run it without modification. System
modification shouldn't be necessary and I suppose could be disruptive.

MS has some warnings about running Media Center when doing what they
call "high-stress" activities. Generic discussion is here:

If you want to sort through some of the technical issues this may be a
good place to start:

Mostly the answer seems to be you need to shutdown other programs.


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