Dan Parry wrote:
Of course to target and replace just the dash you could use

preg_replace('/([0-9]+)(-)([0-9]+)/', '$1dash$3', '47-73');

where the word 'dash' is your replacement dash naturally :)

Just to 'splain that a little ...

$string = '47-73';
$pattern = '/([0-9]+)(-)([0-9]+)/';
$replacement = '$1dash$3';

$new_string = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);

There are three sets of parens in the pattern. They get numbered left to right $1, $2, $3. In the replacement string $1 and $3 are left alone and the $2 is replaced by 'dash'.

Another way to write the replacement string that maybe makes this clearer is

$replacement = '${1}dash${3}'


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