Yes, it's coming from a MS SQL Server 2000 DB, and I'm using ASP to pull the
data.  Does that offer the "limit", or is that just a MySQL feature?


-----Original Message-----
From: David Precious [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 3:52 AM
Subject: Re: [wdvltalk] Limited Records - ASP

On 06/05/2008 11:36 PM, Todd Richards wrote:
> Hey Everyone -
> I'm having a brain lapse here and can't figure out the "right" way to do
> this.  On a home page, I have "Upcoming Events" with a box floating to the
> right  that will show the next 5 events.  I was trying to use "rs.pagesize
> 5" but for some reason it's not working (although it is in another site).
> So instead, I simply added a 
>        <% if page_count <=5 then %>  (page_count is defined higher up and
> incremented during the while statement)
>               Code to show the event
>       <% end if %>
> This seems to work, but it's probably not very efficient.  Any thoughts?

Where are these events coming from?

If they're coming from a database, you'd be a lot better off just
telling the database you only want 5 records (by adding "LIMIT 5" to the
query) rather than retrieving a full set, displaying the first 5 and
throwing the rest away!

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