From: "Portman"

Do you have it up online where we can look at it in action?


Not, It's only on the desktop- I am making a usable site before I get hosting. But it is a very simple page and based on one I had in use up to the middle of last year. I'm wondering if there has been a change in Firefox that makes it hard to read something so simple;-). the firefox version is 2.0.016.

Ah! It reads it ok as .html [which is the file I thought I had chosen], but only shows the code if .shtml! Which seems the wrong way round.

I've added the rest of the coding below, and .htaccess reads:

Options +Includes
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
AddType text/html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
DirectoryIndex index.shtml index.htm

And now the Wordpress folder [index.php] is showing the text properly, but no other css is put in effect, nor images. I'm sure that was working a couple of weeks ago. I'll do restart and let you know if good old windows is its usual self...


On 9/16/2008 7:52 AM, joseph harris wrote:

First Hi Zack! I'm a beginner since I joined which was a while back ;-)...

And Hi Franni in particular; nice to see you posting.

Can someone remind me why this .html file is OK in IE (as ever) but chokes Firefox (as ever) - simply printing the code? MS Xp SP2 on desktop using Apache/php/MySQL through EasyPHP.


Joseph Harris

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "";>
<TITLE> Control Your Debt Crisis on your Own Terms : Making Creditors and Debt Collectors Obey the Law </TITLE>
<META NAME="resource-type" CONTENT="document">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="author" CONTENT="Joseph Harris">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="description" CONTENT="Control Your Debt Crisis on your Own Terms : Make Creditors and Debt Collectors Obey the Law > <!-- make apt and relevant --> <META HTTP-EQUIV="keywords" CONTENT="Debt, debt crisis, debt management, iva, bankruptcy, creditors, debt collectors,"> <!-- consider keywords well -->
<META HTTP-EQUIV="distribution" CONTENT="Global">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Style-Type" CONTENT="text/css"></META> <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="normal.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="all">


<!-- start of page, titles table -->
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<tr width="95%"> <td width="95%">

<IMG valign="top" SRC="get_results.gif" alt="Get Results Press, step by step guides" ALIGN="LEFT"><H1 >Control Your Debt Crisis</H1><H3>Be in charge of your debt in England and Wales</H3></IMG>
 </td> </tr>  <tr>   <td>
<!--#include file="watch-this-space.txt"-->
<!-- MAIN TABLE of the page  START-->
<!-- MAIN ROW of the page START -->
<!-- MAIN LEFT CELL   Start -->
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<!-- l.Hand table for site links -->
<TABLE BORDER="3" CELLPADDING="8" WIDTH="100%" BORDERCOLOR="#BFAF00" VALIGN="TOP" HEIGHT="100%" TITLE="main table to include introduction to Smile Poetry publications where you will smile and laugh"><TR><TD HEIGHT="100%" VALIGN="TOP">
<!--take in site links-->
<!--#include virtual="site-links.txt"-->

<!-- end of L.Hand table for site links-->
<!-- MAIN LEFT CELL  End -->
<!--  MAIN CENTRE CELL Start-->
<h2 >Control Your Debt Crisis</h2>
<FONT SIZE="3" FACE="sans serif">...........(like Are you glad Elephants Can't Fly?). <H4>Family friendly</H4>...................., acquaintances; just anybody.
<H4>The Writer</H4>
Most of the .......................In the Pit - the tale of a lady's very scary misadventure. And I use Uncle Joe where a poem is just right for children.
<H4>Smile Poetry Weekly</H4>
.........ezine is <b>free</b>. This <b>free</b> ezine............ this <b>free</b> ezine:

<!-- mail join at bottom of central cxell-->
<!--#include file="zin-sub-form-goldblock1.txt"-->

Did I mention it is <b>free</b>.

<H4>Smile Poetry Collections</H4>
I have .....................over and over again.

On my links page are .................right hand side.<BR>
Yes ................received.

<h4>Smile, Laugh, Enjoy</h4>
There would be ...............books</a>.

<!--  MAIN CENTRE CELL End -->
<!-- MAIN RIGHT CELL Start -->
<!-- RH TABLE for ohter links start -->

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 <IMG SRC="icra_sb.gif"> </IMG>
Begin Emblem
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End Emblem-->

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<!-- MAIN RIGHT CELL End -->
<!--  MAIN ROW of the page  END-->
<!--MAIN TABLE of the page END -->
<TD WIDTH="75%" TITLE="here are a number of webrings that Smile Poetry is a member of - these make it easy to find sites of a similar type, in this case all should be funny and family friendly">

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