Basically the query is sound ...

sorry, no, not quite

here's what i saw...

WHERE icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
AND resources.resourceTypeId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeId
AND categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId
AND resources.resourceId = resource2category.resourceId
AND resourceTitle LIKE "%legal%"
OR keywords LIKE "%legal%"
OR extract LIKE "%legal%"
OR resourceTitle LIKE "%waste%"
OR keywords LIKE "%waste%"
OR extract LIKE "%waste%"
AND resourceIsActive = '1'

the problem is that ANDs take precedence over ORs, and you neglected to use
parentheses to delineate your logical conditions

the above WHERE clause will be executed ~as though~ it had parentheses, like
this --

      icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
  AND resources.resourceTypeId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeId
  AND categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId
  AND resources.resourceId = resource2category.resourceId
  AND resourceTitle LIKE "%legal%"
   OR keywords LIKE "%legal%"
   OR extract LIKE "%legal%"
   OR resourceTitle LIKE "%waste%"
   OR keywords LIKE "%waste%"
   OR (
     extract LIKE "%waste%"
  AND resourceIsActive = '1'

notice that the join conditions are all clustered up there with the first

the other LIKEs are by themselves

this means that if, for example, the extract column contains the search
string, then that row is returned, JOINED TO **ALL** ROWS FROM THE OTHER
TABLES, completely disregarding the proper join conditions between tables --
which apply only to the LIKE for the resourceTitle column

you can see the disastrous effect this has by simply removing the DISTINCT
keyword from the SELECT, which i'm sure you tossed in there just to reduce
the amount of crap being returned -- icons with unrelated resources,
resources with unrelated resource types, resource types with unrelated
categories, resources which aren't active, and so on

there are two solutions

1. parenthesize your conditions properly

WHERE icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
  AND resources.resourceTypeId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeId
  AND categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId
  AND resources.resourceId = resource2category.resourceId
  AND (
      resourceTitle LIKE "%legal%"
   OR keywords LIKE "%legal%"
   OR extract LIKE "%legal%"
   OR resourceTitle LIKE "%waste%"
   OR keywords LIKE "%waste%"
   OR extract LIKE "%waste%"
  AND resourceIsActive = '1'

2. (preferred) use JOIN syntax

cheryl was trying to say the same thing (although it didn't come across too

change this --

FROM resources,
WHERE icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
AND resources.resourceTypeId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeId
AND categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId
AND resources.resourceId = resource2category.resourceId

to this --

 FROM resources
 JOIN resourceTypes
   ON resourceTypes.resourceTypeId = resources.resourceTypeId
 JOIN icons
   ON icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
 JOIN resource2category
   ON resource2category.resourceId = resources.resourceId
 JOIN categories
   ON categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId

then your WHERE clause simplifies to --

WHERE resourceIsActive = '1'
  AND (
      resourceTitle LIKE "%legal%"
   OR keywords LIKE "%legal%"
   OR extract LIKE "%legal%"
   OR resourceTitle LIKE "%waste%"
   OR keywords LIKE "%waste%"
   OR extract LIKE "%waste%"

note that you still need parentheses

try that without DISTINCT and watch the correct results roll in -- and much
more quickly, too


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