
On Tue, 19 Feb 2013 08:51:11 +1300, "Nolan Tunnicliffe" <no...@2ndnature.co.nz> 
> Should I take this to web_hurd?

I now took the liberty to do so.  :-)

> To be more precise bddebian.com:8888 just spins

See the email I just posted,

> so do the links to the windows Hurd on 
> http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd/running/qemu/microsoft_windows.html
> Link http://www.numenor.art.pl/balrog/hurd/ spins

Yes, there's probably a lot of bit-rot on such pages, that should be
cleaned up.

> I had to download the Hurd.tar.gz which doesn't expand properly on Windows 
> and then expand it on Linux and copy it back across. I suggest you take that 
> windows link down on the page above, although the fact you know it spins may 
> help you debug this issue I'm having, and put a windows .zip up underneath 
> the latest hurd.tar.gz.

Samuel, any comment here; to make the Debian QEMU image usable on

> If you sent an email previously and it bounced, can forward it again.

Hmm, which was that?  I'll now go through your other pending emails.

> Looking forward to contributing to the Wiki.

Feel free to, thanks!


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