Greetings All.

I'm looking for a framework-independent form library. I'm using the
Quixote forms library at the moment, inside my own framework, but
would ideally like something more WSGI oriented, so that it is easier
to mock and unittest.

My ideal form framework should do the following

1. Parsing of submitted POST requests, etc
2. Binding of incoming form variables to the attributes of a target
python data object
3. Customisable validation, with management of validation error messages.
4. Generate unique (hierarchical) field names for sub-attributes of
the data object to be edited, which are javascript-identifier-safe,
i.e. can be used as the names of HTML form input elements.
5. Handle multipart/form-data
6. Nice-to-have: transparently handle multi-page forms, e.g. hub forms, etc.

It should NOT

1. Attempt to generate HTML, or be tied to a specific templating mechanism

If anyone is familiar with the Java Spring Framework, it's got pretty
much everything I need, but is overly complex, and is written in Java


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