On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Robert Brewer <fuman...@aminus.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We had a good second meeting and answered more issues. My understanding
> is that there is another BoF scheduled for tomorrow (Sunday). Check the
> Open Space board for details.
> Those present at the second meeting:
>  * Mark Ramm (TG)
>  * Mike Orr (Pylons)
>  * Bob Brewer (CherryPy)
>  * Ian Bicking (Paste, etc)
>  * Alan Kennedy (WSGI gateway servlets/Jython)
>  * Rick Copeland (TG)
>  * James Bennett (Django)
>  * Gary Poster (Launchpad)
>  * Chris McDonough (Zope, repoze, etc)
>  * Garrett Smith (async WSGI server and middleware)
>  * Kumar McMillan (Pylons)
>  * Alex Morega (WSGI user)
>  * Andrew Sawyer (lurker)
>  * Marcus Cavanaugh (Pylons)
>  * David Reed (used to be Twisted.web2 maintainer)
>  * 8+ others, mostly lurking
> Revisited Topic: Unicode values in the WSGI environ
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Consensus: Response status and headers MUST BE unicode. Doing otherwise
> (handling both unicode and byte string) would unnecessarily complicate
> the construction of middleware components. Origin HTTP servers MUST
> decode these to the appropriate bytestrings (all ISO-8859-1?) before
> writing them out to the socket.
> Revisited Topic: wsgi.input
> ---------------------------
> I raised the issue that, if wsgi.input were an iterable, many apps would
> just have to take the extra step of wrapping it in a file-like object
> anyway to pass to cgi.Fieldstorage. Others reopened the desire to allow
> the app to determine the size of each read().
> We didn't reach consensus, IMO. Alan argued for an iterable to more
> easily support asynchronous servers.

+1 on the iterator, although I might just like the idea and might be missing
something important.  It seems like there are a lot of powerful things being
developed with generators in mind, and there are some nifty things you can
do with them like the contextlib example:

Glad to hear a wide range of people showed, even a Django person :)

> The counter-argument was that
> servers could use non-blocking sockets to allow apps which read() to
> yield in the case of no immediate data rather than block indefinitely.
> If a file-like object were retained, it would help to publish a
> chainable file example to help middleware re-stream files they read any
> part of.
> Response iterable type
> ----------------------
> The current spec says "all strings referred to in this specification
> must be of type str or StringType". James asked if this could be
> loosened to str-like objects. Perhaps we could replace strict typing
> with an ABC requirement? General consensus: -0.
> Continuing deferred issues
> --------------------------
>  * Lots of little changes: the server's supported HTTP version,
>   file_wrapper edge cases, etc.
>  * Python 3, and the scheduling of WSGI improvements
>  * Asynchronous WSGI support. Mostly non-existent. Fix it? Fork it?
>   Drop it?
>  * Lifecycle methods (start/stop/etc event API driven by the container)
>  * Remove app_iter.close?
> Robert Brewer
> fuman...@aminus.org
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