> Would there be any interest in asking the HTTP-BIS working group [1] what
> they think about it?
> Currently I couldn't find anything in their drafts suggesting they had
> decided to clarify this issue from a protocol's perspective but they might
> consider it to be relevant to their goals.
> - Sylvain
> [1] http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/httpbis-charter.html

As mentioned in an earlier post, I think their current spec avoids the
issue, by still relying on "octet-by-octet" comparison.

But I did come across this discussion on their list, which goes into
all of the issues in fine detail.


Quote of the thread

[Roy Fielding]
> We are simply passing through the one and only defined i18n solution
> for HTTP/1.1 because it was the only solution available in 1994.
> If email clients can (and do) implement it, then so can WWW clients.
> People who want to fix that should start queueing for HTTP/1.2.

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