For the last four years, I have always used an empty action attribute on my form to make it post back to the current URL. I almost always validate my HTML and this has never come up as a violation. Furthermore, I have read various people on the web advocating this practice.

Recently, however, I went to use Google Chrome to look at some of my web apps and I noticed that none of my forms work. In use a <base> tag and empty form attributes. Whenever I submit a form in Chrome, it gets posted to the root URL (i.e. what I have in my <base> tag). Am I violating the spec or is this something Google Chrome got wrong? What I have works in IE, FF, and Opera.


Randy Syring
RCS Computers & Web Solutions

"Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory
of God." 1 Cor 10:31

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