At 10:27 AM 9/21/2009 -0500, James Bennett wrote:
On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:19 AM, P.J. Eby <> wrote:
> +1. I'd really rather not have the spec dictated by the need to work around
> problems in the stdlib or language definition.  Better to fix them ASAP.

This is a *Python* web server gateway interface, yes? Fixing stdlib
bugs is fine, but asking for the language to change just to make
gateway interfaces a bit easier to write seems a bit much; I'd hope we
can take Python the language as granted, and work from there.

I'm not arguing that WSGI should dictate what Python 3 does. But if we're having so much trouble doing something so simple in a way that work on both Python 2 and Python 3, doesn't that suggest that anybody doing *anything* non-trivial is going to have similar problems?

This discussion has been making me wonder what other unicode/bytes problems I'm going to have on Python 3, and raising the ugly spectre of duplicated, type-specific APIs ala Java... only without the overloading that lets you give them the same method names. :-(

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