On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 17:11 -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Chris McDonough <chr...@plope.com>
> wrote:
>         On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 17:47 -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:
>         > > In the past when we've gotten down to specifics, the only
>         holdup has been
>         > > SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO, hence my suggestion to eliminate
>         those.
>         >
>         > I think I favor PJE's suggestion:  let WSGI deal only in
>         bytes.
>         I'd prefer that WSGI 2 was defined in terms of a "bytes with
>         benefits"
>         type (Python 2's ``str`` with an optional encoding attribute
>         as a hint
>         for cast to unicode str) instead of Python 3-style bytes.
>         But if I had to make the Hobson's choice between Python 3
>         style bytes
>         and Python 3 style str, I'd choose bytes.  If I then needed to
>         write
>         middleware or applications, I'd use WebOb or an equivalent
>         library to
>         enable a policy which converted those bytes to strings on my
>         behalf.
>         Making it easy to write "raw" middleware or applications
>         without using
>         such a library doesn't seem as compelling a goal as being able
>         to easily
>         write one which allowed me direct control at the raw level.
> What are the concrete problems you envision with text request headers,
> text (URL-quoted) path, and text response status and headers?

Documentation is the main reason.  For example, the documentation for
making sense of path_info segments in a WSGI that used unicodey-strings
would, as I understand it, read something like this:

The PATH_INFO environment variable is a string.  To decode it,

- First, split it on slashes::

    segments = PATH_INFO.split('/')

- Then turn each segment into bytes::

    bytes_segments = [ bytes(x, encoding='latin-1') for x in segments ]

- Then, de-encode each segment's urlencoded portions:

    urldecoded_segments = [ urllib.unquote(x) for x in bytes_segments ]

- Then re-encode each urldecoded segment into the encoding expected
  by your application

    app_segments = [ str(x, encoding='utf-8') for x in 
                     urldecoded_segments ]

.. note:: We decode from latin-1 above because WSGI tunnels the bytes
representing the PATH_INFO by way of a string type which contains bytes
as characters.

That looks pretty apologetic to me, and to be honest, I'm not even sure
it will work reliably in the face of existing/legacy applications which
have emitted URLs that are not url-encoded properly if those old URLs
need to be supported.   http://bugs.python.org/issue8136 contains a
variation on this theme.

I'd much rather say be able to say:

The PATH_INFO environment variable is a ``bytes-with-benefits`` type.
To decode it:

- First, split it on slashes::

    segments = PATH_INFO.split('/')

- Then, de-encode each segment's urlencoded portions:

    urldecoded_segments = [ urllib.unquote(x) for x in segments ]

- Then re-encode each urldecoded segment into the encoding expected
  by your application

    app_segments = [ str(x, encoding='utf-8') for x in 
                     urldecoded_segments ]

Let me know if I'm missing something.

- C

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