Can we please clear up a matter.

GothAlice (don't know off hand there real name), keeps going around
and claiming:

After some discussion on the Web-SIG mailing list, PEP 444 is now
"officially" WSGI 2, and PEP 3333 is WSGI 1.1

In this instance on forum on Google Groups.

I have pointed out a couple of times to them that there is no way that
PEP 444 has been blessed as being the official WSGI 2.0 but they are
not listening and are still repeating this claim. They can't also get
right that PEP 3333 clearly says it is still WSGI 1.0 and not WSGI

If the people here who's opinion matters are quite happy for GothAlice
to hijack the WSGI 2.0 moniker for PEP 444 I will shut up. But if that
happens, I will voice my objections by simply not having anything to
do with WSGI 2.0 any more.

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