After a weekend of experimentation with several asynchronous frameworks including gevent, tornado and twisted (and writing one myself too), and these are my findings so far:

- asynchronous socket implementations vary wildly across different frameworks
- gevent is the fastest, tornado comes second while twisted is pretty slow
- twisted provides the most comprehensive support for implementing protocols, while the other two mostly just provide low level support for asynchronous sockets - futures seem to have a significant overhead (from the thread synchronization) - gevent provides the easiest programming interface with greenlets, since it pretty much lets you write asynchronous code as you would write it synchronously - gevent could make use of the regular, synchronous PEP 444 API by monkey patching the socket library (through its import monkey; monkey.patch_socket() call)

The significance of this for the Python web standards effort is that providing an asynchronous API that works for the existing asynchronous frameworks does not seem feasible. I'd love to see a solution for this in the standard library, but gevent's monkey patching approach, while convenient for the developer, cannot obviously work there. Before an asynchronous WSGI API can be provided, this lower level problem needs to be solved first. The crucial question is: is it possible to provide gevent's level of convenience through the standard library, and if not, what is the next best solution? I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this (especially Guido's).
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