On 6/5/12 11:41 AM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Tarek Ziadé<ta...@ziade.org>  wrote:
Thoughts ?
I've skimmed over the text and couldn't find any user story. What is
the end goal?
use a web server as a standalone, isolated process, with nothing but a single main thread that gets request then send back response.

then have Circus do all the processes management.

What is the responsibility of web server, web app and your controlling app?

- The web server accept() connections on a socket and transforms a request into a wsgi environ it passes to a wsgi application [Meinheld, Bjoern, Whatever..] - The web app is a classical wsgi application that handles start_response and return a list of strings [the application that follows the wsgi standard] - The controlling app manages the life of the sockets and also manage the life of web app processes [Circus]

Who should control keep-alives and connection drops?

I don't know I did not get into those details yet.


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