When I run a query using executesql, what is the object that is returned? 
is it a dictionary?

The reason I ask is that I am starting to think that the order of fields 
being returned to me is not the order that I put them in the SQL statement. 
As an example, I am running this code.

def clean_qty():
    import re
    rows = cmdb.executesql("select name, description_short, description, 
id_product from product_lang where name like '%X%' or description_short 
like '%X%' or description like '%X%'")
    for row in rows:
        match = re.search('(.+)X|\d*',row[0])
        prod_name = match.group(1)
        match = re.search('(.+)X|\d*',row[1])
        prod_short_description = match.group(1)

When I use row[1], I am starting to think that I am not getting back 

Is there a way that I can refer to the fields in the result by name rather 
than numeric position?



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