Thanks! For whatever reason Reload Routes won't work, but restarting the 
server did.

On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:49:14 PM UTC-7, Anthony wrote:
> Yes, if you change, you must either reload routes (which you can 
> do from the admin interface) or restart the webserver.
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 12:09:51 AM UTC-4, HittingSmoke wrote:
>> I set up my Webfaction hosting with a single web2py install that I intend 
>> to use for a couple of subdomains pointing to separate apps using
>> I pointed and to my web2py app and through 
>> told web2py to point to my blog app that I 
>> plan on writing. Right now it's just a default scaffolding app. Here is the 
>> code in my file:
>> routers = dict(
>>     BASE = dict(
>>         domains = {
>>             '' : 'blog',
>>         }
>>     )
>> )
>> So... this worked great, until I tried to undo it for some 
>> troubleshooting purposes. I commented out all the code in 
>> still points to my blog app instead of my default web2py 
>> app (currently Welcome). I renamed, still 
>> points to the blog app.
>> I thought maybe this was some new default behavior where if a subdomain 
>> is used with the same name as an app it will point to the app. I made a new 
>> app and a subdomain of the same name and pointed it to my web2py app. This 
>> one points to the default Welcome app as expected.
>> So what is the deal here? Is there some cache of that I need to 
>> clear to return a domain route back to default?


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