The other day I read on web2py developers a discussion detailing Massimo's 
vision of web3py. Perhaps us newbies can start collecting our tickets to 
aide Massimo and the developers in understanding what is particularly 
difficult or perhaps could use better documentation. Currently I have *480 
tickets since 10/8* on my application before I decide to re-do it from 
scratch for the 4th (hopefully last) time. Tickets would provide a wealth 
of statistics about what us newbies are going through.

This time I decided to break my app up into 4 smaller applications. Start 
over and my 2nd try this morning (after deleting and starting over) I 
currently have 19 tickets in 45 minutes. When developing using SQLite I am 
now getting the same errors that I had early on in my development  

Adding columns is not trivial especial with all the combinations of: 
migrate_enabled={True|False}, fake_migrate={True|False}, 
migrate='web2py_session_APPNAME', migrate.settings={True|False}, 
migrate={'table_name'|True|False|migrate.settings}. My approach was to use 
the wizard to quickly whip out the app then add extra fields later so that 
i can develop in small iterations. If just the tickets for what I am going 
through this morning could be eliminated that would be huge!



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