I do indeed have greater than 3.7 so I'll see if that prevents the locking. 
So far so good although it was very sporadic and the scheduler ran over 70 
times before it crapped out before adding the line you suggested.

Thanks again for your responses.


On Wednesday, 14 November 2012 00:11:45 UTC-5, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:
> first be sure you have sqlite >=3.7:
> 1) open python
> 2)>import sqlite3
> 3)>print sqlite3.sqlite_version
> if you don't have sqlite >=3.7 you can't use wal
> put the code in models/db.py after database connection
> db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')
> db.executesql('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL')
> but you can remove it after one run
> read more here http://www.sqlite.org/draft/wal.html


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