I'm using web2py to build a dynamic web UI to a MySQL backend, and I'm new 
to the web2py framework and web development in general.

What I'm looking for is a library or plug-in with the following features 
that is either built for or compatible with web2py.

1) Inline editing of records retrieved from a table (multiple records at a 
time, not just one at a time), with all changes being sent back to the 
database upon submission.

2) Drop-downs menus for the values of certain fields of those records; the 
values for the drop-downs will depend on the value of another field for 
that record.

3) Ability to create new records.


Below are few solutions that seem to come close to what I'm looking for. 
But everything that's ready-made seems to cost or requires that my project 
be open-source.

http://datatables.net/index - no inline editing without purchasing of 

http://wijmo.com/widgets/wijmo-complete/grid/ - grid only comes with 
licensed version of wijmo

http://trirand.com/blog/jqgrid/jqgrid.html - seems promising, but how do I 
send data back to the server using web2py? Also, how would I create 
drop-downs for certain fields?

http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/grid/cell-editing.html - 
this seems to be what i'm looking for, but i don't want to pay for the 


My preference is to use something that's already been built. However, many 
people seem to think that writing my own UI is the best way.

Any suggestions on a good path forward?


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