Very fun! :)

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:

> This works
> MARKMIN(text, extra={"pre_with_code": lambda text:
> "<pre><code>{0}</code></pre>".**format(text)})
> but is is a little dangerous since the user can do
> ``
> </code></pre>
> <script>alert('oops!');</script>
> <pre><code>
> ``
> The argument of text should be escaped somehow. Not sure how since you
> want to allow verbatim code.
> On Monday, 21 January 2013 22:30:51 UTC-6, rochacbruno wrote:
>> for this I thinnk you sould use extra render.
>> {{text = "`` here is my code ``:pre_with_code"}}
>> {{=MARKMIN(text, extra={"pre_with_code": lambda text:
>> "<pre><code>{0}</code></pre>".**format(text)})}}
>> Tested on shell
>> In [4]: text = "`` here is my code ``:pre_with_code"
>> In [5]: print MARKMIN(text, extra={"pre_with_code": lambda text:
>> "<pre><code>{0}</code></pre>".**format(text)})
>> <pre><code> here is my code </code></pre>
>>  --

Ignacio Ocampo Millán


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