On 29 Jan 2013, at 1:44 AM, Annet <anneve...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> In my application every registered user has a shortname stored in auth_user, 
> which he can use to reference his home page. For this purpose I have the 
> following code in 00_db.py:
> if request.controller == 'default' and request.function == 'index' and 
> request.args(0) == 'nl':
> row=db(db.auth_user.shortname==request.args(1)).select(db.auth_user.nodeID).first()
>  ## check the db and do a redirect
>      if row:
>          redirect(URL('addressbook','router',args=row.nodeID))
>      else:
>          session.flash='Shortname unknown'
>          redirect(URL('addressbook','index'))
> ... and in routes.py in the root /web2py folder:
> routers = dict(
>    BASE = dict(
>        default_application = 'init',
>            applications = 'ALL',
>        default_controller = 'default',
>            controllers = 'DEFAULT',
>        default_function = 'index',
>    ),
>    init = dict(
>         default_function = 'index',
>             functions =  
> ['index','user','register','download','call','data','error']
>    )
> )
> For demo purposes I'd like to make a copy of part of my init application, 
> call it demo and have it connect to a different database, which I can use 
> freely to insert demo records. How do I have to adjust routes.py to make this 
> work, just add:
> demo= dict(
>         default_function = 'index',
>             functions =  ['index','user','download','call','data','error']
>    )
> ... or do I need to make more adjustments?

I think that's all you need.


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