Please open a ticket about this and link this thread. they should work the 
same. I never had a problem with it but we will take a second look.

On Monday, 11 February 2013 12:32:05 UTC-6, 黄祥 wrote:
> hi anthony,
> thank for your explaination, but i'm sorry, i'm still not understand. i've 
> already tried to learn from trial and error like the code that i've shown 
> above. the unexpected result above, is mean that i can not view the page 
> that is authorize to me (as an *admin membership*). the strange behaviour 
> on my second post is when i submit the data in form, it won't work.
> my goal is to set the function that can be used by another function. let 
> say __grid_0() can be used by manage_blog() and manage_news() for example
> here is the code that i'm tried :
> *#model*
> db.define_table('blog',
>     Field('title'),
>     Field('contents', 'text'),
>     format='%(title)s')
> #controller work for a moment
> # pagination function
> def __pagination_0(flash, table, active):
>     response.flash=T(flash)
>     if len(request.args): 
>         page=int(request.args[0])
>     else: 
>         page=0
>     items_per_page=10
>     limitby=(page*items_per_page, (page+1)*items_per_page+1)
>     rows=db(active==True).select(limitby=limitby,,
>                                  cache=(cache.ram, 10))
>     return dict(rows=rows, page=page, items_per_page=items_per_page)
> # grid function
> @auth.requires(auth.has_membership(role = 'Admin'))
> def __grid_0(flash, table):
>     response.flash=T(flash)
>     has_membership=auth.has_membership('Admin')
>     grid=SQLFORM.smartgrid(table, user_signature=False, 
> onupdate=auth.archive, 
>                            create=has_membership, editable=has_membership,
>                            deletable=has_membership)
>     return dict(grid=grid)
> blog_flash="Blog"
> blog_manage_flash="Manage Blog"
> # blog
> def blog():
>     return __pagination_0(blog_flash, blog_db, blog_active)
> # manage_blog
> def manage_blog():
>     return __grid_0(blog_manage_flash, blog_db)
> *#view*
> *blog.html*
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> {{for i,row in enumerate(rows):}}
> {{if i==items_per_page: break}}
> {{=DIV(H2(row.title))}}
> {{=DIV(row.contents)}}
> {{=prettydate(row.created_on)}}
> {{=BR()}}
> {{pass}}
> {{if page:}}
> {{=SPAN(A(T('< Previous'), _href=URL(args=[page-1]), _title=T('Previous 
> Page')))}}
> {{pass}}
> {{if len(rows) > items_per_page:}}
> {{=SPAN(A(T('Next >'), _href=URL(args=[page+1]), _title=T('Next Page')))}}
> {{pass}}
> *manage_blog.html*
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> {{=grid}}
> On Monday, February 11, 2013 9:49:29 PM UTC+7, Anthony wrote:
>> These should be equivalent, though technically 
>> @auth.requires_membership('Admin') is equivalent to @auth.requires(lambda: 
>> auth.has_membership(role='Admin')). Using the lambda prevents 
>> unnecessary database hits checking for membership in cases where the 
>> controller file is executed but the specific decorated function is not 
>> called.
>> Perhaps you can post a minimal app that reproduces the problem.
>> Anthony
>> On Sunday, February 10, 2013 11:40:45 PM UTC-5, 黄祥 wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> what is the difference within :
>>> @auth.requires_membership('Admin') and 
>>> @auth.requires(auth.has_membership(role = 'Admin'))
>>> it seems there is some limitation in @auth.requires_membership('Admin')
>>> e.g.
>>> *case 1 :*
>>> *as expected result*
>>> *@auth.requires(auth.has_membership(role = 'Admin')) ### the difference*
>>> def __grid_0(flash, table):
>>>     response.flash=T(flash)
>>>     has_membership=auth.has_membership('Admin')
>>>     grid=SQLFORM.smartgrid(table, onupdate=auth.archive,
>>>                            create=has_membership,
>>>                            editable=has_membership,
>>>                            deletable=has_membership)
>>>     return dict(grid=grid)
>>> def manage_blog():
>>>     return __grid_0(blog_manage_flash, blog_db)
>>> *unexpected result*
>>> *@auth.requires_membership('Admin') ### the difference*
>>> def __grid_0(flash, table):
>>>     response.flash=T(flash)
>>>     has_membership=auth.has_membership('Admin')
>>>     grid=SQLFORM.smartgrid(table, onupdate=auth.archive,
>>>                            create=has_membership,
>>>                            editable=has_membership,
>>>                            deletable=has_membership)
>>>     return dict(grid=grid)
>>> def manage_blog():
>>>     return __grid_0(blog_manage_flash, blog_db)
>>> what i mean for unexpected result is, the user with the membership of 
>>> group 'Admin' can not see the manage_blog page, when i modified it with 
>>> *@auth.requires(auth.has_membership(role = 'Admin'))*, the user with 
>>> the membership of group 'Admin' can see the manage_blog page.
>>> is there anyone know about it?
>>> thank you so much in advance


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