Ok, got it. it's not the scheduler's table you want with the booleans to 
work, it's the things the scheduler execute that needs to interact with 
some other tables in the environment...to be polite, that little hack you 
do is nice, but not "the recommended way".... this is a case for your own 
custom adapter!

    'sqlite': SQLiteAdapter,
    'sqlite:memory': SQLiteAdapter,
    'mysql': MySQLAdapter,
    'postgres': PostgreSQLAdapter,
    'postgresmyown': MyOwnPostgreSQLAdapter,

class MyOwnPostgreSQLAdapter(PostgreSQLAdapter):

    # specify a diver to use
    drivers = ('psycopg2','pg8000')
    TRUE = 0
    FALSE = -1

    types = {
        'boolean': 'smallint',
        'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)',
        'text': 'TEXT',
        'json': 'TEXT',
        'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)',
        'blob': 'BYTEA',
        'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)',
        'integer': 'INTEGER',
        'bigint': 'BIGINT',
        'float': 'FLOAT',
        'double': 'FLOAT8',
        'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)',
        'date': 'DATE',
        'time': 'TIME',
        'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP',
        'id': 'SERIAL PRIMARY KEY',
        'reference': 'INTEGER REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE 
        'list:integer': 'TEXT',
        'list:string': 'TEXT',
        'list:reference': 'TEXT',
        'geometry': 'GEOMETRY',
        'geography': 'GEOGRAPHY',
        'big-id': 'BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY',
        'big-reference': 'BIGINT REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE 

and then connect to it with
db = DAL('postgresmyown://user:pass@host/database')


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