Hmmm... I also just discovered that specifying fields on the smartgrid 
causes issues with the child tables. Is there a way to pass another list of 
fields for the child table?

On Sunday, March 24, 2013 11:17:24 PM UTC-4, Shawn Wheatley wrote:
> I am seeing a similar issue using smartgrid for a master-detail invoice 
> view. When clicking on the link for my detail child records, I get an error 
> saying the column I'm ordering by in the master doesn't exist. Has this 
> been resolved yet? Dan, did you open a ticket for this?
> Shawn
> On Monday, February 25, 2013 9:01:57 PM UTC-5, Dan Kozlowski wrote:
>> *Massimo,
>> When I removed the orderby clause it solved problem with the error 
>> message. but I still need to sort the grid in desc order.
>> *
>> def dailycounts():
>>     grid=SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.daily_counts,  
>> user_signature=False,create=False,editable=False,deletable=False,*
>> orderby=~db.daily_counts.add_date*, 
>> fields=[db.daily_counts.add_date,db.daily_counts.encrypt_count,db.daily_counts.decrypt_count,db.daily_counts.error_count,db.daily_counts.cycle_count,db.daily_counts.directory_create_count,db.daily_counts.client_add_count])
>>     return locals()


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