here is the link :
      window.location.href = 
'{{=URL('CS','close_inqueries',user_signature=True)}}'  + '&' + data;

and here is the controler:
def close_inqueries():
    print request.vars
    print '-'*20
    print session

and here is the result:
<Storage {'_signature': '180b1866f14c585f249ee0a3d8b74778e1ff79a0', 
'Sea-24': 'on'}>
<Storage {'_user_agent': {'os': {'name': 'Linux'}, 'is_tablet': False, 
'is_mobile': False, 'dist': {'name': 'Ubuntu'}, 'browser': {'version': 
'19.0', 'name': 'Firefox'}}, '_auth_next': None, 'flash': None, 
'user_type': 'CS', 'auth': <Storage {'hmac_key': 
'bbdd4f5d-2cfa-4ee8-a7b4-c08a3b7874ee', 'remember': False, 'last_visit': 
datetime.datetime(2013, 3, 27, 11, 48, 35, 442411), 'expiration': 3600, 
'user': <Row {'first_name': 'ali', 'last_name': 'naghi', 'registration_id': 
'', 'email': '', 'reset_password_key': '', 'registration_key': 
'', 'id': 4}>, 'user_groups': {3: 'user_4'}}>, 'nickname': 'ali', 
'_session_hash': 'c55603687a5f7482dda9b0d85a7a78e1', '_formkey[login]': 

as you see _signature and hmac_key have different values and i think this 
is the reason i get non authorized alert when i add 
@auth.requires_signature() to controller.

what is the correct way to do this?


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